5 Wedding Day Secrets

5 Wedding Day Secrets

5 Wedding Day Secrets


No matter how much you’re looking forward to the big day, weddings can be stressful. It has probably seemed like a whirlwind of activity since the day you first said “Yes.” From choosing the perfect dress to exploring the perfect romantic honeymoon spots, there’s been little time to actually enjoy just being engaged. But when you understand these 5 Wedding Day Secrets, you’ll ensure your day goes off without a hitch, just as planned, and stress free!

#1 – Leave the Cell Phone Behind 

As much as the majority of people rely on their cell phone for everything from instant communication to the latest news, carrying around your cell phone on your wedding day just doesn’t help. Last minutes texts from friends or co-workers may be well intentioned, but they hardly help when you’ve got a schedule to keep and what seems like a million things going on. So do yourself a favor and pack it up. You’ll be amazed at how much stress you’ll save yourself.

 #2 – Pack a Bridal Emergency Kit

Don’t let small emergencies ruin your day. When you pack a small bridal emergency kit you can have many things ready that you might need at the last minute. Consider packing everything from a small sewing kit to extra cash for emergencies. Deodorant, fashion tape, extra hair accessories, hair spray, and clippers should also be included.

#3 – Bring an Extra Pair of Shoes

 Who hasn’t had sore feet at the end of a long day? It’s even worse if you’re in heels all day or you have a long wedding ceremony. So remember to pack an extra pair of comfortable shoes for the reception. One great idea is to buy a pair of all white canvas tennis shoes and decorate them with lace, ribbons, pearls, or beads. Make them match your dress as much as possible. You will be able to enjoy the entire day more, you won’t have to forgo that extra dance, and most importantly, your feet will thank you.

#4 – Rely on Others

Even if you’ve single-handedly planned every detail from beginning to end, the day of your wedding will be more stressful if you don’t rely on others. If you have a wedding planner, great! If not, ask one or two trusted friends or family members to make sure all the vendors show up on time, know where they need to be, and are available to answer any questions vendors might have. The last thing you need to worry about is whether your cake shows up 15 minutes late or not. Even if you’ve planned it all, it’s time to let go of the reins a little bit.

#5 – Hire the Perfect DJ

 The ceremony will be the highlight of your memories, but guests will remember the reception. Make sure you hire a professional DJ who can get your guests involved and show them a great time they won’t soon forget. With a professional DJ from Sifi Entertainment, your guests are guaranteed to have a fun, memorable time. You can contact Sifi Entertainment to discuss everything from the music for your first dance to the perfect song choices for your guests. Sifi Entertainment will make sure your wedding reception is one your guests will never forget.